Join The List / Subscription Options

This page provides an easy, automated way for you to join, leave the Breast Cancer Mailing List or change your subscription. You can choose to receive individual messages (Regular mail) or one long composite document (Digest). "No mail" should be chosen when you are temporarily away. You will find additional information on subscription options below.

Simply choose "Subscribe" and then click on the "Submit" button to begin receiving regular mail.

Your e-mail address
Your first name
Your last name

Subscription request:

Change subscription option(s)

Subscription options:

Digest Resume regular mail (non-digest)
No mail Resume mail delivery

A few moments after you click on the "Submit" button, the server will respond. To confirm your identity and prevent third parties from subscribing you to the list against your will, an e-mail message will be sent to the address you specify in the form. Simply wait for this message to arrive, then look for any instructions to confirm the operation.

If you receive e-mail through AOL, you want more information on subscription options, or you are having trouble unsubscribing, you will find additional information on the subscriptions page.


People talk about very private things on the list. Please respect their privacy by not forwarding their messages to anyone outside the list without the author's permission. You should also take care what you write to the list. While the list is open only to subscribers, anyone can subscribe, and the archive is openly accessable. Additional precautions are given on the List Owner's Message page.